Book Review – A Christmas Kiss by Susan Hatler
For the first 12 days of December, I will be hosting a 12 Days of Christmas Books! Each day I will review a different Christmas book that I think you might enjoy this holiday season. For this eleventh day of Christmas Books here is my book review for A Christmas Kiss by Susan Hatler.
The 11th Day of Christmas Books
I found this book through blogger Jo Lindsell who is doing a book advent calendar via email this December. A Christmas Kiss is one of the books she highlighted, and so I snagged it up and plowed through it!
Title: A Christmas Kiss
Kissed by the Bay, book 5
Author: Susan Hatler
Summary of A Christmas Kiss
Harper Avery is a jaded divorce attorney who loves helping her clients move on to better things. After all, they’ve struggled enough being in an unhappy marriage. When one client’s soon-to-be ex-husband suddenly says he wants a second chance with his wife, Harper’s dubious, certain that her client is just going to get hurt again.
Despite his career as a divorce attorney, Gabriel Hart still believes that love can work miracles. Sure, there are no guarantees, but he totally supports his client’s efforts to reconcile with his wife—even if it means Gabriel has to go head-to-head with Harper to keep her from ruining the couple’s chances.
With the holidays approaching, husband and wife set out to see if they can work through their issues, while Harper decides to spend the long Christmas weekend at her friend’s cabin in Lake Tahoe. Only when she gets there, someone is already occupying her last-minute rental—Gabriel Hart. Both refuse to give up their holiday retreat. Will their adversarial working relationship make for a stressful weekend? Or will the magic of Christmas sprinkle them with a love that can beat the odds?
My Thoughts
As I mentioned earlier, I got this book via the mention by another blogger, and because it was FREE! If you’d like to grab a free Kindle copy of this book, you can get it here!
This book is everything that you love about Hallmark movies. While the plot is fairly predictable, that took nothing away from my enjoyment of the story.
Harper and Gabriel were as opposite as they could be. She is cynical and closed off and things divorce is probably the best option for most marriages. Gabriel is an optimist and believes in second chances.
When they are across the table from each other trying to wrap up a divorce, Harper is completely annoyed that Gabriel thinks a second chance might be warranted. But, when they find themselves stuck in the same cabin together over a long Christmas weekend, that’s just too much for Harper!
If you want a short, sweet Christmas book, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of A Christmas Kiss!
About the Author
I suppose you could say I had a fairly normal upbringing. Two parents. Two sibs. A dog. A cat. Oh yeah–and sheep, chickens, goats, ponies, a cow, and (if memory serves) we had pigs at one point. Still not sure why. We weren’t Old McDonald and definitely didn’t have a farm. Go figure.
As I grew up, one constant in my life has been my stories. I wrote in elementary school (I had a strong fascination with unicorns then), in high school (lost count of how many teen series I had going at once), and did lots of journaling in college. Bars, boys, and occasionally studying eventually stole the place of my writing time. Besides, I needed to prepare myself for a “real” job, right?
After several “real” jobs in the legal and insurance fields, I’m now writing full time. Why? Through all my education and experiences, I’ve finally realized that my “real” job is the job I make real. Why didn’t anyone tell me? (from her website)
The Full 12 Days of Christmas Books
If you’d like to check out all the books in the 12 Days of Christmas Books series, you can find them here.
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!