Book Review – Owl Be Home for Christmas by Donna Andews
For the first 12 days of December, I will be hosting a 12 Days of Christmas Books! Each day I will review a different Christmas book that I think you might enjoy this holiday season. For this tenth day of Christmas Books here is my book review for Owl Be Home for Christmas by Donna Andrews.
The 10th Day of Christmas Books
For our 10th Day of Christmas Books, we’re getting snowed in and a murderer is on the loose in Owl be Home for Christmas!
Title: Owl Be Home for Christmas
Author: Donna Andrews
Summary of Owl Be Home for Christmas
It’s a few days before Christmas, and Meg’s grandfather is hosting a scientific conference on owls at the Caerphilly Inn. Most of the family are there, helping out in one capacity or another, including Meg’s grandmother, Cordelia–invited by Grandfather in a rare gesture of peace-making, to share her expertise on rehabilitating large birds, including owls.
An unexpectedly severe snowstorm traps the conference-goers in the hotel, and one of the visiting ornithologists is murdered. Even if Caerphilly can clear the roads in time, Chief Burke doesn’t want the various suspects to scatter to half a dozen continents before he identifies the killer, so there’s a very real possibility that none of them will make it home for Christmas . . . at least not unless Meg comes to the rescue.
My Thoughts
Owl Be Home for Christmas is the 26th book in the Meg Langslow Mysteries. And while this book works as a stand-alone, it probably would have been even better if I came in with some of the character background information the other books would have provided.
I have found that I really don’t read mysteries often enough! I really enjoy them when I do, but for some reason, they aren’t my go to books?! Anyway, having said that, I really enjoyed Owl Be Home for Christmas!
Donna Andrews did a wonderful job describing the beautiful Inn and the snowy landscape so I felt as if I was there! I found myself cuddled up on the couch with a blanket while reading because in the book the characters are all snowed in at the Inn.
I enjoy when a mystery isn’t obvious to me. While I could tell from the beginning who was going to get killed, I loved that the killer wasn’t obvious. I was all over the board with who I thought was the murderer. To me, that’s the sign of a good mystery! If the author keeps me guessing, I love it!
Because there are so many characters, and because I jumped into the series at book 26, I am thinking I would have benefited from some of the backstories of the regular characters. But, I still enjoyed the book and the characters!
The storyline was fun and creative. Who would have thought that an owl conference would be so interesting, lol.
So, if you’re looking for a fun, clever, Christmas cozy mystery, you’ll enjoy Owl Be Home for Christmas by Donna Andrews!
About the Author
Donna Andrews was born in Yorktown, Virginia, the setting of Murder with Peacocks and Revenge of the Wrought Iron Flamingos, and now lives and works in Reston, Virginia. When not writing fiction, Andrews is a self-confessed nerd, rarely found away from her computer, unless she’s messing in the garden. <from her Website>
The Full 12 Days of Christmas Books
If you’d like to check out the full list of books for the 12 Days of Christmas Books, you can find the list here.
<12 Days of Christmas Books>
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!