The Coastal Magic Convention 2022 is Back!
I’m so excited to share some exciting new with you today!
The Coastal Magic Convention is back live in Daytona Beach, Florida this year. And they’ve just recently announced their Featured Author list for this 10th anniversary weekend. General registration is OPEN, so come join us!
Coastal Magic Convention
If you, like me, are new to the Coastal Magic Convention, let me share a little bit about it.
In their own words, the Coastal Magic Convention is a “beachside reader weekend: celebrating the magic of stories and storytellers.” Doesn’t that sound pretty perfect?! Who wouldn’t want to spend a weekend at the beach surrounded by authors, readers, and books!
This year is Coastal Magic Conference’s Tenth Anniversary and they’ve got a wonderfully varied and diverse lineup of authors for us. So, whether you come to meet a favorite author or to meet some “new to you” authors, make plans to join us on the beach.

Featured Blogger at Coastal Magic
I was asked a couple of months ago if I would be interested in being a Featured Blogger at the Coastal Magic Convention this year. That was actually my introduction to the Convention. It’s so odd that I had not heard of it before since I live right down the road.
But, I’m really excited to be part of the team this year. One of my favorite tasks as a Featured Blogger is that I get the opportunity to interview some of the authors ahead of time and write up a post about them.
Coastal Magic Convention: Featured Authors
Here is a list of the authors I will be highlighting over the next few months:
Teri Wilson – learn more here
Sasha Summers – learn more here
Tif Marcelo – learn more here
Melonie Johnson – learn more here
Tawdra Kandle – learn more here
Violet Howe – learn more here
Mari Mancusi – learn more here
Susan Boles – learn more here
As I write up each of their Featured Author posts, I’ll link them here so you can keep up with the different authors. Here’s a list of my fellow Featured Bloggers. Make sure you follow them as well so you can learn about all the authors that will be at Coastal Magic.
Here’s a link to the Convention so you can register and keep up to date with what will be going on You can also join the Facebook Group for Coastal Magic Authors and Attendees and interact with the authors and other attendees you’ll meet there.
CMC Reading Challenge
If you’re a fan of Reading Challenges, you’ll want to check out the CMC Reading Challenge that is going on between now and the convention. You’ll get to know the authors, their books, and even meet the authors virtually if you’d like! There is a FB Group just for the Reading Challenge participants: FB Group for Reading Challenge
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!
Great post! We’re gonna have so much fun!
I am really looking forward to it!