Debbie Macomber Writes Some of the Best Modern Romance Novels
I thought I’d do something different this month and do a Feature Author article. So, this month I am writing about one of my favorite romance authors, Debbie Macomber. In my opinion, Debbie Macomber writes some of the best modern romance novels out there! Oh, and I have a giveaway down at the bottom of the post! Make sure you check it out!
Last month I had the pleasure of attending the Debbie Macomber Fan Celebration put on by Random House to celebrate Debbie’s 35 years of publishing. Prior to the event, I was given the opportunity to be interviewed by the publishing house on-camera about why I like Debbie and what her books have meant to me over the years. It was interesting! I had never really thought about what Debbie Macomber’s (or any other author, for that matter) books mean to me and why.
So, I wanted to share a little about my love for Debbie Macomber…
Why I Enjoy Debbie Macomber
First and foremost, I enjoy Debbie Macomber because she is a great storyteller! She definitely has some of the best modern romance novels out there! As I was thinking about why I like her, I noticed a trail of Debbie Macomber books throughout my adult life.
New Mom
The first stop on the Debbie Macomber trail through my life is almost 18 years ago! While I was a new mom, I spent many a night and early morning with Debbie Macomber while nursing my new baby! With both of my kids, during those long nights I read a lot of books!! And, I know a lot of them were Debbie Macomber books! The first of her books that I read was A Good Yarn. That got me started on the Blossom Street series, which kept me company many a night!
New Readers in the House
Fast forward a few years and we had new readers in the house who were excited to read anything and everything! I remember sitting on the couch with a kid on each side of me and we were all reading our own books. One of my kids would inevitably lean over and look at what I was reading. It occurred to me that I had better be careful about what I wanted my kids to see me reading! And, since Debbie Macomber’s books are completely appropriate to read with young eyes around, I again found myself reading a lot of Debbie Macomber books!
And now…
Fast forward several more years, and now I have two teenagers and mom with dementia. My teenage daughter has read a few of Debbie’s books! And now I’m also finding them perfect for my mom. With a memory that can’t hold onto a story for very long and a need for the stories to be “sweet,” I have again found myself hunting down and enjoying Debbie Macomber books again.
So, while Macomber may have some of the best modern romance novels, what I really appreciate about them now is that my mom really enjoys them. She likes the characters because they are real. And, her aides help her get through the story line. While she may not always remember the plot line, she always comes away from the story feeling happy! And right now, that is gold!!
Macomber writes some of the Best Modern Romance Novels
My first book I read by Debbie Macomber was A Good Yarn. So, that book has always been a favorite of mine! But, I’ve read almost all of her books by now, and I’m a huge fan of her Christmas books. I enjoy reading stacks of Christmas books from Thanksgiving to Christmas every year.
Some will be old favorites, like Mrs. Miracle or 1225 Christmas Tree Lane, and some will be new favorites. I’m looking forward to Debbie’s newest Christmas book, Alaskan Holiday! This one is due out 10/2/2018!!
A Few Books to Check Out…
Debbie Macomber Fan Celebration Event
At the end of April, Random House hosted an event in Orlando to celebrate Debbie Macomber’s 35 years of being a published author. The Debbie Macomber Fan Celebration was a lot of fun!! A local author interviewed Debbie about life and her career, her family was there with her, and mostly it was just a great group of women (well, mostly women) enjoying one of our favorite authors! Here’s some images from that day!
The venue was lovely, the food was delicious, and the company was perfect!
I made a Christmas ornament that I gave to Debbie. It was out of the first book I read (A Good Yarn) – and before you get all upset, I didn’t cut up a book!! (You can find the instructions for the ornament here.) It was a pleasure to be able to give it to her and tell her how much her stories have meant to me in my life!

And now, for the fun stuff!! If you agree with me and think that Debbie Macomber writes some of the best modern romance novels and you’d like to win one of her books, then stick with me here! I have her latest, Debbie Macomber’s Table for you to win! This book was published in April 2018, so it’s brand new!!
I have one copy, signed by Debbie and will give this to one email subscriber. If you’d like to be in the running, you can sign up for my email list here and I’ll even send you a FREE Debbie Macomber Book Guide! Giveaway will be over and winner chosen on June 30th!
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!
Wow, this sounds SO EXCITING! I really LOVED A Good Yarn! Debbie’s books are always so clean and inspiring! Thanks for sharing your Debbie Macomber fandom story with us! Have a blessed week! 🙂