Top 5 Most Popular Adventures from My Year of Adventure
My Year of Adventure has been an interesting, exciting and insightful year for me. I had the intention of doing a lot of traveling and assumed that my “adventures” would be about going and doing. But, in the end, I realized that a lot of my adventures were a shifting of my attitude and my mindset. So, it was interesting to look back and see which were my most popular adventures with you.
It appears that the most popular adventures were the ones that were more insightful and a shift in attitude (versus latitude). I have had a lot of fun writing this series this year, and look forward to starting my new series!! Next week, I’ll introduce you to what is coming in 2018!!
So, here they are. My Most Popular Adventures from 2017!
5. 5 Tips for Surviving Life’s Hard Seasons – week # 14
This post was by far one the hardest for me to write! I’m guessing that there are a lot of folks out there who are surviving life’s hard seasons! So, I think this resonated with you all. I’ll be the first to admit that some days I’m better at surviving than others.
My situation involves helping take care of my mom who has dementia. I am by no means the sole care-giver, but one of several. None-the-less, the days are long and hard! It is so hard to watch someone you love decline.
So, if you happen to be going through a similar situation, this article might resonate with you, too.

4. Family History: The Fascinating & Eye-Opening Truths – week # 35
For my birthday, I received one of the Ancestry DNA kits. I had a vague idea of what some of my family history was, but this was just fascinating. I was able to trace different family members back to the 1600’s to different places in England and the Netherlands. There’s pieces missing still, but I am excited to continue digging and hopefully flush it all out!
I think that getting these DNA kits is pretty popular right now, so that made this article the 4th most popular article of my Year of Adventure series. If you received one of the DNA kits recently, you might enjoy reading this article!

3. Sunshine Blogger Award – week # 40
This was pretty exciting for me! Being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award basically means that other bloggers have noticed what I’m doing. To me, that really meant a lot! It was fun receiving it and it was fun finding other bloggers to nominate.
If you’re looking for some new bloggers, I found some great ones that you might enjoy! You can check them out in this article!
2. My Series of Unfortunate Packing Mistakes – week # 39
I thought it was funny that this article about how I really messed up packing for a trip to Portland, Oregon was my second most popular post in the series. I guess you all enjoyed reading about how badly I messed up, lol. It was a funny time – Hurricane Irma had just come through, we didn’t have any power, and I had to try and get my things together to travel to a blogging conference. Apparently, not a great combination!
So, if you’d like to avoid all my mistakes, grab your FREE Vacation Packing List here!
1. My Surprising Day as a Hometown Tourist – week # 2
This was one of my favorite articles to write, because I got to be a tourist in my hometown. I live in a small town in Florida – DeLand – and it was a lot of fun to act the tourist. I was pleasantly surprised at how much there is to do in our little town.
We have lots of great restaurants, lots of history and some really great parks! If you’re anywhere in Central Florida, I highly recommend coming over for the day and visiting our lovely town!

New Year, New Series
I realized early on in 2017 that I really enjoyed having a series that followed me through the year. For me, My Year of Adventure was kind of an online diary of my year. It was fascinating to look back and see where I was when, what happened when, and what I accomplished.
And, since I enjoyed it so much, I decided that I wanted to have a different series for next year. So, stay tuned next week for the start of my new series – Hometown Tourist Project! It will run for all of 2018 and I think we will all enjoy it very much!!
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!