What book will you read next?
For any reader, this is an eternal question: what will you read next?
For some of us, the book depends on the mood we’re in and what we feel like readers, for others it might be a very well organized to-be-read list, and for others still, it might be as simple as what’s available and easy to get my hands on!
I’m not sure what kind of reader you are, but I tend to be a mixture of the first and the last, with only a little bit of the middle one thrown in there.
But, since this is a question we all face, multiple times, I thought I’d bring you some help and recommendations today from the experts – book bloggers!

Spring Hop 2020
I am participating in the Spring Hop hosted by Jo at the Bookish Blog Hop group. I always love being part of one of Jo’s blog hops because I get to work with so many fabulous book bloggers!
So, without further adieu, check out what these book bloggers are reading next!
What I’m Reading Next
So you’ve heard from everyone else, now it’s my turn! What am I reading next? Well, for my Read Around the World Challenge I’m reading a book set in Brazil, Angel Falls by Connie Mann.
And then I’m also reading Exactly As You Are: The Life and Faith of Mister Rogers by Shea Tuttle. I got this recommendation from a friend and haven’t been disappointed!
While I’m probably one of the few people my age that didn’t grow up on Mr. Rogers (we didn’t have a TV when I was a kid, but that’s another story!), but I have always had a lot of respect for him as a person and a personality. This book pretty much cements that!
So what are you reading next? I’d love to hear! Leave me a note in the comments with what book is next for you!

Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!