What I’m Reading August ~ Book Reviews & Recommendations for you
Because I always enjoy seeing what other people are reading, I thought I’d share with you what I’m reading. So, here’s my What I’m Reading August 2018 edition! In the comments, share what you’re reading! I’m also sharing what I read last month!
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Reading Goal for 2018
My reading goal for 2018 is 70 books. So far I’ve read 28/70. I’m heading out on vacation soon, so hopefully I can knock out a chunk of books!
What I’m Reading August
I always enjoy sharing my plan for reading! I’m excited about what I’ve got in store for August!! There’s a good mix of business and pleasure. So, here’s my What I’m Reading August edition:
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby (on-going Bible Study – read chapter 16)
Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
Central Park (A Contemporary Retelling of Mansfield Park) by Debra White Smith
Purpose, Passion & Profit by Kyle Wilson and more
The High Tide Club by Mary Kay Andrews
Match Making for Beginners by Maddie Dawson
What I read last month
I had a pretty good month last month, and read six books! Granted, the first book was mostly done by the time I got to June, but still… Anyway, here’s what I read in June!
(25) Restart by Gordon Korman
Restart is one of Florida’s Middle School Sunshine State Award winners! It’s the story of Chase and his opportunity to change his life. Chase’s who life is a blank slate – literally. He fell off the roof of his house, apparently because he doesn’t remember it (or anything else), and now he has amnesia. As Chase re-enters life and starts back at school, he discovers that he doesn’t like who he was. But, is he strong enough to change and become who he wants to be? You can get the complete list of SSYRA books for Middle School here and Elementary School here.
(26) Survivor Diaries: Overboard! by Terry Lynn Johnson
This book is one of Florida’s 3-5 Grade Sunshine State Award winners. So, obviously the story is geared for upper elementary kids, but it’s a good story none-the-less. It’s a story of facing your fears and being brave, even when you don’t feel very brave.
Travis, an 11-year old, is on a whale-watching tour off the coast of Washington when disaster strikes. Travis and Marina, the captain’s 12-year old daughter, are separated from the rest of the boat and must figure out how to survive. Travis has to be brave, even while shaking in his shoes! Can two tweens really survive on their own? Read and find out!
(27) The Diva Runs Out of Thyme (book 1 in a domestic diva mystery series) by Krista Davis
This was a fun whodunnit! I hadn’t read a good, fun mystery in a while and very much enjoyed this one!
Sophie is the classic girl in the wrong place at the wrong time, too many times! When she finds the first body in a dumpster at the grocery store, she’s disturbed but not concerned for herself. But, when she finds the second body at the Stupendous Stuffing Shakedown, she’s nervous. Two bodies of men she had just met and the list of possible suspects is long! Unfortunately, she’s at the top!
Find out how Sophie figures out who the murderer is and gets a fabulous Thanksgiving meal on the table at the same time! Oh, and recipes included!!
(28) Imperfect Courage by Jessica Honegger (due out 8/14)
I was invited to be on the Book Launch Team for this book, so I received this book for free.
I had not hear of Jessica Honegger prior to reading this book, and I hadn’t heard of her company Noonday. This book is her story of how she stepped out on faith and with courage and started a company that didn’t seem feasible.
Her book is part memoir and part encouragement for us. She encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and do that thing that makes our heart beat a little faster, but at the same time scares us to death! This is a fantastic book! I highly recommend it both for the story and the encouragement!
What Are You Reading?
So, I’ve shared what I’m reading. Now I’d love to know what you’re reading! In the comments, share what you’re reading!
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!