What I’m Reading in December ~ Book Reviews & Recommendations
Wow, it’s hard to believe there’s only a couple of months left in 2018! This year has been a great year of reading for me. I have really enjoyed being accountable each month by sharing with you “what I’m reading” each month. So, here is my list of What I’m Reading in December along with a recap of what I read last month!
Reading Goal for 2018
My reading goal for 2018 is 70 books. So far I’ve read 54/70. I know I won’t hit my goal of 70, but I feel fairly confident that I’ll end somewhere in the 60’s. Not too bad for a really busy year!
What I’m Reading in December
I’ve enjoyed keeping track of what I’ve read throughout this year! I will be going back over them all and choosing favorites from the past 12 months, and it’ll be so much easier since I have everything written down, lol. So, here’s what I’m hoping to read in December…
Good and Beautiful Community by James Bryan Smith (on-going Bible Study – Chapter 3)
Happier Thinking by Lana Grace Riva
Highland Ruse by Madeline Martine
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Then There was You by Miranda Liasson
What I Read in November
October was a busy reading month. I had a few good audiobooks that helped me knock out several books this month! You can see by my choices that I’m starting in on my holiday reading already! I absolutely LOVE Christmas Romance books! I will no doubt read several more before the year is out.
48. Promise Me You by Marina Adair
This was a beautiful story recommended by Lorelei’s Lit Lair. It’s a second-chances romance and best friends to lovers all wrapped up into one. You will find yourself cheering for the hero and heroine to win in the end!
49. A Night at the Inn by Kerry Evelyn
I have read some of Kerry Evelyn’s books before, but this one was different! Normally, Kerry doesn’t do paranormal romance, but for this short story, she did. I enjoyed how she wove some of her Crane’s Cove characters into the story. I also enjoyed that there is a personal connection (to Lizzie Borden) for the author! It’s only $.99 on Kindle – so go grab it a enjoy tonight!
50. Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark by Ridley Pearson
This is one that I re-read while on a road trip since I’m heading to Disney soon. I really enjoy reading books about places I’m visiting and then making the connections in the “real world” with what I’ve read. The premise of this book is clever and the story is fast-paced and action-packed! This series is geared for middle schoolers, but I found it entertaining!
51. The Return: Disney Lands by Ridley Pearson
This book I also read on my road trip, but I hadn’t read it before. It’s a continuation of the previous series, but it takes place when the kids are older. They’ve just graduated from high school, so they are scattered around the country this time. I’m assuming because of the ages of the kids that this is geared more for the YA group. It wasn’t as action-packed, a little more introspective but still a good story. And again, it’s the beginning of a series!
52. I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella
I enjoy most books by Sophie Kinsella! Her books are fun, funny and sexy! This story is no different and worth your time! She’ll hook you in from the beginning, and you’ll keep reading until you find out how it ends. (Due out February 2019)
53, Finding Peace in the Mess by Tammy Rotzell
This is a short 30-day devotional that really struck a chord with me. I suppose because I find myself in the midst of the mess right now, I found this book comforting and full of truths. I came away with a better idea of how to maintain peace in the middle of my mess.
54. The Obsession by Nora Roberts
I’m a big Nora Roberts fan, so I’m not sure how I missed this book when it came out last year?! It might be because it’s completely creepy, and I usually don’t do creepy!! From the first chapter, I was hooked and plowed through it in about a day and a half. Just when I was lulled into thinking the heroine’s life was nice and comfortable, all heck broke loose again! And then, I had to keep reading – there was no putting it down until I finished it. If you enjoy romantic suspense stories, this is definitely one for you!
So, now that you’ve seen what I’m reading in December tell me what are you reading right now? Share in the comments! I’m always on the hunt for new books to read 🙂
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Becki is the author and founder of A Book Lover’s Adventures. She has a degree in elementary education, has worked and volunteered in libraries for years, and spent several years in the travel industry. All of this has led to a love of books and travel. Becki loves to share her love by finding literary escapes to share!